Workshop Outcomes

Workshop Outcomes

There may be similarities in your experience as a leader with other leaders in your circle. However, your personal offering and your story are yours.

This workshop will unleash your potential to communicate with more impact about who you are, what you do, how you do it and why you do it:

Who You Are –

Who you are is not just about what your name is or what you do for a living. It is about the baggage you bring with you when we walk into a room. Where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, the people who have shaped you along the way; all of these factors influence who you are and it is this “who” that as a leader, you need to be able to articulate to inspire others.

Mimi will ask you the right questions and guide you to articulate your story in the most organic and authentic way.

What You Do –

As acclaimed author and speaker Simon Sinek says, most people can easily and intelligently talk about what they do. Inspirational leaders can link what they do to the overall contexts of the environments in which they work.

“Mimi’s talent is to inspire you to find the golden thread between your work and your purpose.”

How You Do It –

Most people confuse what they do with how they do it. In this workshop, Mimi will challenge you to tease out the difference in your storytelling efforts.

Why You Do It –

Very few people in the world are doing something no one else has ever done before. For you as a leader, the likelihood that your what and how are unique is slim. However, you have a special story that has led you to the point in your journey when you are finally called to lead.

It is often an accumulation of deeply personal experiences and other circumstances. Environmental factors also play a major role in the “why”, such as the socio-economic, cultural, familial or even political dynamics that birthed and shaped you.

All of these things culminate in the material that builds a narrative which can be bought into.

A leader does not have to be in a traditional position of authority. Anyone walking in their purpose or seeking it, is a leader. To be an effective one, however, you need to have clarity on the motivations for your journey.

Half Day – 4 hours: $200 USD per person
Full Day – 8 hours: $290 USD per person